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Jodie M. Ricks, Ready 2 Respond Assessor

No doubt there are many maintenance and operational challenges to managing very large facilities, especially with aging buildings that house many diverse activities.

In most cases, facilities, custodial, HVAC and other skilled trades staff must work around weather patterns and the comings and goings of occupants – often with limited resources.

Because water intrusions can lead to building shutdowns and difficult disruptions – plus serious structural damage and repair costs – it’s crucial to be aware of potential problems that often arise.

Common Risk Areas

  1. Plumbing related mishaps such as pipe freeze-ups and leaking older pipes
  2. Water intrusions from windows left open, typically in housing and common areas
  3. Basements in housing facilities or in archival storage areas that take on groundwater during storms – which may not be discovered until later
  4. Mold and moisture coming from HVAC air exchanges
  5. Roof problems on older buildings that are on a rotating preventative maintenance schedule
  6. Items piled onto radiators, hammocks hung on sprinkler heads, sinks left running – and other human error-related scenarios
  7. Construction design flaws such as labs or classrooms with safety sprinklers but without proper floor drainage
  8. HVAC system malfunctions that can cause condensation, leaks, mold growth, and musty odors
  9. Flooding from rainstorms and extreme weather that impacts lower and ground-level floors of buildings
  10. High humidity levels in buildings coupled with poor insulation and/or ventilation

Water intrusions and moisture-related problems like these are bound to happen at every facility at some point, which is why preparedness is key. Make sure you assess your current level of readiness – then develop a thorough first responder plan that includes SOPs for mitigation, communication, training, equipment use and tracking, and safety.

Contact our team of water damage experts at to find out how an assessment could benefit your facility. Our team can answer your mitigation questions and assist your team with an assessment of your institution’s readiness.