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Four Essential Questions to Guide Water Damage Response

Four Essential Questions to Guide Water Damage Response

To streamline water damage mitigation, know the four questions that sum up the scope of the problem – called the four “knows” of drying. When answered, they lead to an effective water damage response; if overlooked, the drying process could be compromised, risking mold growth and additional damage.

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Why Mold Grows – and How to Prevent It

Why Mold Grows – and How to Prevent It

Mold growth is a persistent and costly threat to facilities, especially following water damage. It can severely impact indoor air quality, causing adverse health effects and significant structural damage. Addressing moisture and humidity issues can help prevent mold before visible signs appear.

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What is a ‘Dry Standard’ and Why Does it Matter?

What is a ‘Dry Standard’ and Why Does it Matter?

Using a dry standard in water damage response ensures that drying is comprehensive and prevents further damage that can occur if it is not – such as mold, mildew, and serious structural damage. This standard enables moisture content comparisons between nearby unaffected dry materials and water-affected areas.

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Portable Air Scrubber Use in Facilities

Improving Indoor Air Quality to Mitigate Risks

Maintaining good indoor air quality reduces health risks for building occupants and invests in their long-term health and productivity. Learn effective strategies for improving indoor air quality in facilities, reducing health risks for occupants, and maintaining optimal HVAC performance. Ideal for facility managers and environmental health professionals.

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Three Keys to Prevent Risks of Improper Drying

Three Keys to Prevent Risks of Improper Drying

Understand the potential health risks and structural damage caused by improper drying. Learn the 3 essential steps that ensures complete drying to prevent the growth of bacteria, mold and mildew and safely reoccupy affected spaces as soon as possible.

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Installing dehumidifier for water damage

Seven Critical Water Remediation Gaps

More than 80% of facilities answer "no" to these questions when asked about their preparedness for water damage events. How would your facilities team respond if asked about having a written plan, standardized equipment and the training required to rapidly respond to flooding in your facilities?

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Act Fast: The First 100 Minutes After Flooding

Act Fast: The First 100 Minutes After Flooding

Learn why the first 100 minutes are critical - water begins to spread rapidly and seeps into porous materials such as drywall, flooring, and furniture, plus it can lead to unsafe conditions for occupants. Taking fast action not only limits disruptions and reduces the overall drying time, but it also minimizes potential for mold growth, mildew, and more serious structural damage.

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Thorough Water Removal Means Safer, Healthier Spaces

Thorough Water Removal Means Safer, Healthier Spaces

Extracting water damage swiftly and thoroughly is crucial for facilities. However, initial response efforts often fall short due to inadequate water removal and delayed response – and that can increase the risk of mold and mildew growth, extensive structural damage, higher remediation costs and added health risks for occupants.

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Water Damage: 5 Critical Impacts on Facilities

Water Damage: 5 Critical Impacts on Facilities

Water damage is inevitable, no matter how much you prepare. That’s why it’s critical to be ready to respond efficiently to mitigate water intrusion as soon as it happens. With proper training and tools, you can be truly prepared to respond and minimize the effects of the five critical outcomes for facilities.

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Top 10 Leak and Flood Risks

Top 10 Leak and Flood Risks

Where people work and live, there's no avoiding it - leaks and floods are inevitable! Facilities teams have to anticipate - and respond fast - to a myriad of water damage risks. Here's a guide to the top 10 risks so you can assess how well prepared your team is for the next flooding incident.

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